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Two mobile phone trading report: what do users want in the industry?

2017-09-07 18:10:14来源: DoNews

来源:手机中国       随着科技的发展,手机如今已经成为人们眼中的快消品。尤其是近几年,中国手机品牌不断崛起,与国际高端品牌展开竞争,全球手机市场已经呈现出百花齐放的态势,在此之中中国手机市场更深受各个厂商重视。由此,智能机更新换代的间隔越来越短,从一年、半年到一季度,眼花缭乱的产品就这样问世了。不过,除频繁的更新换代之外,人们消费水平的升级同样是让手机成为快消品的主要原因。但就在新旧产品比例差距不断拉大的时候,旧手机该怎么办的问题突显出来,由此有了如今的二手手机市场。手机中国联合转转发布《二手手机交易现状调研报告》在二手手机市场显现无限生机的当下,其真正的市场现状如何?手机中国联合国内知...

Source: mobile phone China with the development of science and technology, mobile phone has now become FMCG in the eyes of the people. In recent years, especially in recent years, China's mobile phone brands are rising and competing with international high-end brands. The global mobile phone market has been showing a trend of letting flowers bloom. In this regard, Chinese mobile phone market is more deeply concerned by various manufacturers. As a result, the interval between the update and replacement of the smart machine is getting shorter and shorter. From one year to the first half of the year to the first quarter, the dazzling products have come out. However, in addition to the frequent update and replacement, the upgrade of people's consumption level is also the main reason for the mobile phone to become a fast cancellation. But when the gap between the old and the new products is widening, the problem of the old mobile phone should be highlighted, and it has the second-hand mobile phone market. What's the real market situation of mobile phone market in China? What's the real market status of mobile phone market? The mobile phone China knows...