新关注 > 信息聚合 > 网游《新剑网2》暑期欢乐活动即将开启


The new online games "sword net 2" summer joy activities will be open

2015-07-14 12:24:54来源: 新浪

竞技PK,玩爆武侠! 7月23日,《新剑侠情缘网络版2》(以下简称《新剑网2》)将发布暑期欢乐活动。趣味答题、爽刷副本、欢乐幸运匣等精彩活动伴你开心过暑期,各种珍稀好礼畅享不停! 暑期活动时间:7月23日——8月12日 【趣味答题】 活动期间,玩家上线即可在游戏活动大使处...

PK sports, martial arts play burst! In July 23rd, "the new JX online version of the 2" (hereinafter referred to as the "new" sword net 2 will be released summer fun activities). Interesting questions, cool brush copy, happy lucky box and other wonderful activities with you happy summer, a variety of rare and good gifts to enjoy non-stop! Summer time: July 23rd - August 12th, the time of the event, the players can play the game on the line at the embassy...

标签: 网游