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马云秀“刷脸” 移动支付再现技术战

Ma Yunxiu "brush face" mobile payment reproduction technology war

2015-03-17 06:31:53来源: 新浪

在移动支付和互联网金融领域,一个“靠脸吃饭”的时代正在向我们走来。昨日,在CeBIT上,马云向德国总理默克尔与中国副总理马凯演示了蚂蚁金服的S m iletoP ay扫脸技术。阿里云和支付宝昨日双双向南都记者证实,马云在现场刷了自己的脸,买下淘宝上一枚20欧元的旧汉诺威展邮票,并将这枚邮...

in mobile payment and Internet financial field, a "eat on his" era is coming to us. Yesterday, in the CeBIT, Ma Yun to the German Chancellor Angela Merkel and China Deputy Prime Minister Ma Kai demonstrates ant gold suit S m iletoP ay and face technology. Ali cloud and pay treasure yesterday both South are reporters confirmed, Ma Yun brush his face in the field, buy Taobao on a 20 euros of old Hannover exhibition of stamps, and the pieces of mail...