新关注 > 信息聚合 > 守望先锋国服5000分诞生 Kalios领跑全场

守望先锋国服5000分诞生 Kalios领跑全场

Watch 5000 points was born Kalios leading pioneer dress

2017-01-16 09:33:55来源: DoNews


Recently the clothes first 5000 points, a great god, would like to know who he is? Take a look at. In distance han2 fu2 pigs huang EVERMORE reached more than 5000 into January, one of the largest in the world the clothes of the first 5000 players have been born, Kalios is a south Korean players, from wNv team within the team is mainly responsible for the deputy position, he reached the clothes can use hero is also the first 5000 into check when! As a Korean players, Kalios got the clothes of the first 5000 points clearly is a spur to domestic team players, in the domestic watch professional circles, excessive player packaging and entertainment marketing has made the first player to get lost, from the point of recent events scores, the domestic counterpart are very bright eye, the first batch of famous team many have disappeared from the charts, the world's top 20 pack to one and only two in China...

标签: iOS 守望先锋