新关注 > 信息聚合 > 两位“玻璃男孩”的艰难求职路(组图)


Two boy "glass" difficult job road (map)

2016-09-23 15:20:19来源: 中工网

身穿学士服的金鑫和他的母亲施冬娟合影留念。 应忠彬和母亲魏小萍在医院病房。 记者孟万成 通讯员吴世渊摄影报道 2016年,中国高校毕业生规模达到765万。比之2014年的727万、2015年的...

Wearing a gown, jinxin ShiDongJuan to pose for photos and his mother. Wei Xiaoping should be loyal and his mother in the hospital ward. The reporter Meng Wancheng Correspondent reported Wu Shiyuan photography in 2016, the scale of China's college graduates of 7.65 million. Than $2014 in 7.27 million and 2014,...