新关注 > 信息聚合 > 年薪170万美金难打动不败女王 她有更大野心

年薪170万美金难打动不败女王 她有更大野心

Annual salary of $1.7 million hard to impress unbeaten queen she has greater ambitions

2015-07-15 10:16:02来源: 新浪

玛雅摩尔资料图 夺冠后的玛雅兴奋地剪下篮网向所有人示意。那时,她耀眼得像个真正的女王!记者刘江摄 自玛雅踏上山西这片热土时,有些事情或许就此注定。注定了世界级的超级巨星从此和体育资源匮乏的山...

Maya Moore data figure win Maya excited to cut the nets to all schematic. Then, she was dazzling like a real queen! Reporter Liu Jiang photo of the Maya set foot on this piece of land in Shanxi, some things may have doomed. The world class super star is bound to be a mountain with a lack of physical resources...