新关注 > 信息聚合 > 库里单节23分勇士连胜 利拉德31分开拓者惨败

库里单节23分勇士连胜 利拉德31分开拓者惨败

Curie single point 23 points warriors even victory Ladd 31 points Blazers defeat

2016-11-02 17:37:00来源: 新浪

视频加载中,请稍候... 库里大战利拉德 新浪体育讯 北京时间11月2日,勇士在客场以127-104击败了开拓者。 勇士(3-1)三连胜。斯蒂芬-库里在第三节砍下23分,全场三分球10投...

Video loading, please wait a minute... Curie war Lillard Sina Sports News on November 2, Beijing time, Warriors in the away court to 127-104 defeated the Blazers. Warriors (3-1) three wins. Stephen Currie scored 23 points in the third quarter, three points in the game and 10 shots.