新关注 > 信息聚合 > 梅西逃税案庭审全揭秘 即使有罪也不用真进监狱

梅西逃税案庭审全揭秘 即使有罪也不用真进监狱

Messi tax evasion case trial tell-all even guilty not really into the prison

2016-06-03 15:36:35来源: 新浪

梅西出席逃税案庭审 新浪体育讯 关于梅西逃税案,这里有你需要知道的一切。 梅西被指控犯了什么罪? 2007-2009年间,梅西及其父亲涉嫌利用英国、乌拉圭等地的公司进行逃税,合计逃税金额为...

Lionel messi at tax evasion case trial sina sports - about messi tax evasion case, here is all you need to know. Messi was charged with crimes? From 2007 to 2009, Lionel messi and his father companies suspected of using Britain, Uruguay, tax evasion, the total amount of tax evasion as...