新关注 > 信息聚合 > EA推游戏发行新模式:每月充30元会员费可免费玩..


Push EA games to issue new mode: 30 yuan membership dues can play free for filling a month..

2016-10-11 08:30:43来源: 新浪

EA在近日宣布了旗下主机会员服务EA Access的免费游戏更新名单,《祖玛》、《宝石迷阵3》等六款来自宝开的休闲游戏成为该服务的最新免费福利。 听起来这只是一次普通的“小游戏”会免,不过在新闻稿最后头,这家公司还是成功吊起了大家的胃口:《星球大战:战争前线》、《镜之边缘:催化剂》、...

EA in recently announced its host member service EA Access free game update list, "Mr Zuma" and "gem gashed 3" six from Po open recreational game become the latest free benefits of the service. Sounds like it was just a normal "game" will be free, but in the final head press release, the company managed to whetting the appetites of everyone: Star Wars: the war front, the edge of the mirror: catalyst,...

标签: 游戏