新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《使命召唤14》最终DLC“暗影战争”曝光 发售日期公布

《使命召唤14》最终DLC“暗影战争”曝光 发售日期公布

"The call of duty 14" eventually DLC war "shadow" exposure release date announced

2018-08-26 00:00:00来源: 人民网

今日《使命召唤14:二战》第四部也是最后一部DLC——“暗影战争”公布,这部DLC将于8月26日率先上线PS4平台。 和之前的DLC内容方面一样,“暗影战争”将为游戏引进三张多人对战地图,一张战争模式地图和一张僵尸模式地图。 多人模式的三张新地图,分别为飞艇、矿井和大使馆。齐柏林飞艇地图中,在一个悬崖边停着一艘巨大的齐柏林飞艇,虽然不能飞行,但可以进入探索。矿井地图中,玩家为保护一个地下矿井而战斗;而大使馆地图中,玩家在各种政府大楼间战斗,倒塌的建筑,硝烟炸弹到处弥漫。 战争模式全新地图名为“神秘行动”,玩家将深入奥地利,利用原型武器展开激烈的战斗。 新的僵尸地图名为“冰封王...

14 today "the call of duty: world war ii," the fourth and final a DLC - "the shadow of war", the DLC will be first launched on August 26 PS4 platform. And before the DLC content, "the shadow of war" will introduce the three people for the game to the war map, a model of war map and a zombie map. Three new map multiplayer mode, respectively for the airship, the mine and the embassy. Led zeppelin maps, a boat parked in a cliff huge led zeppelin, although can't fly, but can enter the exploration. The mine map, players fighting to protect an underground mine; Embassy and map, players fighting between the various government building, the collapse of the building, the smoke bomb is everywhere. War pattern new map called "mystery" action, players will further Austria, using the prototype weapon fight. New zombie map called "king of frozen...