新关注 > 信息聚合 > 农业部印发全国草食畜牧业发展规划


The ministry of agriculture issued by national plant-eating animal husbandry development plan

2016-07-11 12:26:40来源: 网易

(原标题:农业部印发全国草食畜牧业发展规划) 记者11日从农业部网站获悉,为推动草食畜牧业又好又快发展,保障优质安全草食畜产品有效供给,促进畜牧业结构调整和转型升级,加快现代畜牧业建设,农业部组...

Plant-eating animal husbandry (the original title: ministry of agriculture issued by the national development planning) reporter learned from the department of agriculture website that 11 plant-eating animal husbandry to promote sound and rapid development, plant-eating animal products effective supply high quality safety, promote animal husbandry structure adjustment and transformation and upgrading, speed up the construction of modern animal husbandry, agriculture group...