新关注 > 信息聚合 > 大事件回顾!乐视是如何成为酷派最大股东的


The big event review! How to become a cool biggest shareholder is Letv

2016-06-18 11:50:04来源: TechWeb

【手机中国 新闻】2016年6月17日,乐视宣布成为酷派第一大股东,这对手机行业而言无疑为一件大事。从2015年1月28日乐视正式确认进入手机领域、公布乐视移动战略后,到2015年4月乐视手机正式问...

Mobile phone Chinese news 】 【 on June 17, 2016, le regard announced that became the first big shareholder cool, this undoubtedly is a major event for the mobile phone industry. From January 28, 2015 Letv formally released into the field of mobile phone, Letv mobile strategy, to April 2015 Letv phone formally asked...