新关注 > 信息聚合 > 第十一届中国艺术节演艺产品博览交易会在西安举办


The 11th China art festival entertainment products expo fair held in xi 'an

2016-10-15 23:13:30来源: 中国新闻网

中新网西安10月15日电(记者 阿琳娜)第十一届中国艺术节演艺产品博览交易会15日在西安举办,期间将展示国家舞台艺术精品创作扶持工作作品、第十一届中国艺术节上重点推出的五十七台“文华大奖”参评剧目、...

Addition to xi 'an on October 15 (xinhua Arlene na) the 11th China art festival entertainment products expo fair held in xi 'an, 15 will show during the national stage works of art creation support work of 57, the 11th China art festival on the table "wenhua award" the contestant plays,...