新关注 > 信息聚合 > 汽院毕业生双11推一元购豪车 卖百辆半价凯迪拉克

汽院毕业生双11推一元购豪车 卖百辆半价凯迪拉克

Steam school graduates double 11 push a yuan purchase of luxury cars sold 100 cars half Cadillac

2015-11-13 15:27:29来源: 荆楚网

十堰晚报讯 记者 李彦秀出:在刚刚过去的天猫“双十一”购物狂欢中,中国网友再次以超强的购买力震惊了世界。突破百亿销售额只用了不到13分钟时间,交易总额达到912.17亿。 在这912.17亿中,有2.2亿是由毕业于湖北汽车工业学院2001级工商管理本科的蒋勇和他的团队创造的。蒋勇目前是...

Shiyan evening news reporter Li Yanxiu out: in just the last lynx "double 11" shopping carnival, Chinese netizens again by strong purchasing power has shocked the world. Breakthrough 10 billion sales were only less than 13 minutes, the total amount of the transaction to reach. In this 912.17 billion 2.2 billion is created by Jiang Yong and his team in Hubei Automotive Industries Institute 2001 grade business management undergraduate graduation. Jiang Yong is...