新关注 > 信息聚合 > 暑假游泳私教走俏 月收入竟过万元

暑假游泳私教走俏 月收入竟过万元

In summer vacation, private swimming is popular and monthly income is over ten thousand yuan.

2016-07-25 15:13:27来源: 浙江在线

浙江在线7月25日讯 自从游泳成了中考体育项目之一,这项运动在中小学生中开始盛行。不少家长趁着暑假,为孩子报上一期游泳课,消暑学习两不耽误。而不少成人“旱鸭子”也向往在一池碧波中畅游,而瞄准了私教游...

Zhejiang Online July 25 - Swimming has become one of the sports items in the middle school entrance examination, which has become popular among primary and secondary school students. Many parents took advantage of the summer vacation and reported a swim lesson for their children. Many adult "dry duck" also yearns to swim in a pool of blue waves, aiming at private education tours.