新关注 > 信息聚合 > 两位资深游戏制作人相继离世 众友人撰文悼念

两位资深游戏制作人相继离世 众友人撰文悼念

Two senior game producer passed away all the friends written in memory of

2015-04-30 01:52:01来源: 太平洋游戏网

4月26日,曾担任《天龙八部》《大话西游》等知名游戏主策、《鹿鼎记》《天之传说》制作人的著名游戏人刘铁,因意外不幸在程度逝世,享年43岁。相隔不到3天,另一位曾经参与了《英雄年代》《巨人》,制作《梦幻诛仙》的游戏人张进也离开了这个世界。 两位游戏人的相继离世,令众多同行感慨缅怀。昨晚...

4 26, served as the "Denon eight" "Westward Journey" and other well-known game designers, "deer" "days" of the famous game Legend of producer Liu Tie, by accident in the extent of death, at the age of 43. Less than 3 days, another who participated in the "heroic age" "giant", "making the game" fantasy Zhu Xian Zhang Jin also left this world. The two game people died one after another, so many counterparts with memory. Last night...

标签: 游戏