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《花样姐姐》邀约不断 重磅彩蛋起底男神女神

"In the mood for sister, continue to invite heavy egg Qidi siblings pattern of male god goddess

2015-05-31 10:29:06来源: 搜狐

花样姐弟大合照 搜狐娱乐讯 《花样姐姐》上周收官,同时宣传片也惊现纽约纳斯达克大楼,据悉《花姐》在海外华人圈内广泛传播,已经接到各国邀约第二季加盟,美国、克罗地亚也在其中。如今宣传片登上纽约大厦...

group photo of Sohu Entertainment News" in the mood for sister, ending last week. At the same time propaganda piece also discovered New York NASDAQ building, is the "flower sister" widely spread in the circle of overseas Chinese, has received national invitation second season to join, the United States, Croatia was among them. Now the New York building blocks...