新关注 > 信息聚合 > 李园街道办事处卫生院举办脑卒中防治健康讲座


Plum Orchard Street office Institute of Health Stroke Prevention Health Seminar held

2015-03-16 11:54:39来源: 半岛网

本报讯(记者 邬明洋 通讯员 尚美琳) 为了唤起广大群众对脑卒中及其危险因素的关注,普及脑卒中防治知识,3月11日上午,李园街道办事处卫生院举办了脑卒中防治健康教育知识讲座,广大患者、家属和社区群众...

report from our correspondent (reporter Wu Mingyang correspondent Shang Meilin) in order to arouse the broad masses attention on stroke and its risk factors, the popularity of stroke prevention knowledge, the morning of March 11th, Plum Orchard Street office Institutes of health held a stroke prevention health education lectures, the majority of patients people, families and communities...