新关注 > 信息聚合 > 饭馆爆燃服务员被划伤


The restaurant waiter was scratched

2015-07-13 02:40:28来源: 人民网

餐馆工作人员正在收拾垮塌的废墟。京华时报记者赵思衡摄 京华时报讯(记者韩林君)昨天早上7点多,海淀区清河中街一家饭馆发生爆燃,店内大量设施被毁,店内一名男服务员被玻璃碎片划伤。附近五家店铺暂停营业。目前,火灾原因还在进一步调查中。 目击者张先生说,事发时一声巨响,他看到一股黑烟从...

people.com.cn is tidying up the collapse of the restaurant staff. Jinghua Times reporter Zhao Siheng photo Jinghua times (reporter Hanlin Jun) yesterday at 7 o'clock in the morning many, Haidian District Qinghe Street restaurant deflagration and store a large number of facilities were destroyed, the shop was a waiter was scratched glass fragments. Five stores near the suspension of business. At present, the cause of the fire is still under investigation. Witnesses said Mr. Zhang, the incident a loud noise, he saw a black smoke from...