新关注 > 信息聚合 > 八月特价OPPOR1S现货报1950分期首付200


August special OPPOR1S spot at 1950 stage Shoufu 200

2014-08-18 18:46:39来源: 中关村在线

【中关村在线武汉手机行情】在继Find 7之后,OPPO又推出了R1升级版机型R1S。前代机型R1注重拍照功能,尤其是夜拍,而此次的R1S继续主打这一特点,并且在关键的感光元件上进行升级,性能更加突...

[Zhongguancun online mobile phone market in Wuhan] following the Find 7, OPPO and launched the R1 upgrade edition models R1S. The previous model R1 attention to the camera function, especially the night shooting, the R1S continues to hit this characteristic, upgrade and photosensitive elements on the performance of more prominent key...