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《欢喜密探》开播会 包贝尔称是走心的喜剧

"Glad spy" will premiere Package bell said is the heart of comedy

2016-10-13 09:20:23来源: 人民网

■(左起)文松、包贝尔、贾玲 减压喜剧《欢喜密探》11日在京举行开播会,导演包贝尔,主演贾玲、包文婧、林雪、文松等亮相。 《欢喜密探》主打最接地气减压喜剧,包贝尔也表示“走心的喜剧,只是底线...

S (from left) wensonic, bell, Jia Ling decompression comedy "glad spy" 11 in premiere will be held in Beijing, the director package bell, starring Jia Ling, bao wenjin, kwan, wensonic appearance, etc. "Glad spy" flagship the grounding gas decompression comedy, packages bear also said "go heart of comedy, but the bottom line...