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Chen Hyuk in the tentacles live hit ADC? Not afraid to be king's milk?

2017-04-07 00:00:00来源: 人民网

电玩小子陈赫有个梦想——“我希望有一天,能够把朋友们都聚在一起,什么都不做,什么都不想,就一直打游戏,这样的感觉想想都很过瘾。”这种充满童趣又可爱的想法,在触手直播的连麦开黑功能上,得到了轻松实现,因而本周六,陈赫本人也将空降触手直播打《王者荣耀》,ADC输出全场,带领队友飞起来。 “我想打游戏,谁能拦的住?” 娱乐圈的各大小明星们,几乎都是忙的团团转,24小时赶通告,最常被抓拍到的地方除了机场就是机场。能够还在电竞圈浪的风生水起的,怕是只有还在休假的baby了。不过机制的陈赫小哥表示,我想打游戏,谁能拦的住?于是积极把自己的事业往自己热爱的电竞类游戏上推,工作游戏两不误,岂不快哉?...

Video game boy Chen Hyuk has a dream - "I hope one day I can get my friends together and do nothing. I don't want to do anything. I've been playing games, and I feel so happy when I feel like that."." This childish and cute ideas, open the black tentacle function in live Lianmai, get easily, so this Saturday, Chen himself will be the "king of glory" tentacles live hit, the output of the ADC audience, led his teammates to fly. "I want to play the game, who can stop it?" the stars and stars of the entertainment industry are almost all busy, 24 hours to catch the announcement, the most frequently captured place, except the airport, is the airport. Can still gaming circles wave fast, if it is only still in the holiday baby. But the mechanism of Chen brother said, I want to play the game, who can stop it? So actively put your career to his love of gaming game push work game two not mistake, not Yoshiya?...

标签: 直播