新关注 > 信息聚合 > 韩星富二代:尼坤妈妈是CEO 崔始源出身豪门

韩星富二代:尼坤妈妈是CEO 崔始源出身豪门

Han Xingfu: my mother is the two generation of Nichkhun CEO Choi Siwon was born in a rich family

2015-02-04 21:13:04来源: 新华报业网

崔始源 中国娱乐圈中“富二代”比比皆是,韩国娱乐圈中也不乏“富二代”的身影。韩国组合SJ的队长利特曾说过“崔始源绝对N0.1。可以买下MBC(韩国文化广播公司)!”。 崔始源的父亲是韩国第二...

Choi Siwon China entertainment "two rich generation" meet the eye everywhere, the Korean entertainment circle are "two rich generation" figure. Korea SJ captain Lee Teuk once said "Choi Siwon is absolutely N0.1. You can buy MBC (Korean Culture Broadcasting Corporation)!". Choi Siwon's father is South Korea second...