新关注 > 信息聚合 > 郭德纲、袁姗姗、潘玮柏陪你过


Guo Degang, Yuan Shanshan, Willber Pan accompany you through

2015-02-12 03:33:55来源: 长江商报

长江商报消息 大年初二湖北春晚 本报讯(记者 纪文君)今年央视春晚一大遗憾就是没有郭德纲、于谦的相声。但大年初二(2月20日周五)晚上19点35分,湖北卫视2015春节大联欢将请郭德纲、于谦携徒带...

Yangtze daily news on the second Hubei Spring Festival evening newspaper news (reporter Ji Wenjun) a big regret this year CCTV Spring Festival Gala is not Guo Degang, the Yu Qian crosstalk. But on the second (Friday February 20th) nineteen thirty-five in the evening, Hubei satellite TV, the 2015 Spring Festival gala will please Guo Degang, Yu Qian and acts with...