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美系SUV选谁? 福特翼虎对比别克昂科威

SUV who is the US? Ford maverick Buick keangkewei

2015-06-27 21:21:44来源: 人民网

美系SUV选谁? 福特翼虎对比别克昂科威 说起美系车,我相信大部分人脑海里反映出的就是肌肉感、大排量等等。不错,美系车不论是轿车还是SUV车型首先都会拥有一个外表硬朗的车身让每一个看见它的人由于是男人都想去征服它。那么今天,我们就为大家介绍两款时下关注度较高的美系SUV,它们分别是福...

people.com.cn SUV choose? Ford maverick contrast Buick ang Kewei talking about American cars, I believe that most of the human sea reflects is the sense of muscle, large displacement and so on. Well, the United States Department of car whether car or SUV models first will have a tough exterior, the body so that each one to see it as a man want to conquer it. So today, we will introduce the United States Department of SUV that attention high two, which is a blessing...

标签: SUV