新关注 > 信息聚合 > 再见伊朗!亚锦赛中国男篮8连胜进决赛


Goodbye Iran! Asia Championship China Men's basketball team won eight straight into the final

2015-10-02 21:59:57来源: 新浪

新浪体育讯 北京时间10月2日,2015男篮亚锦赛伊朗对战中国男篮的半决赛开打。最终,中国男篮以70-57战胜伊朗队挺进决赛!明天中国队将与日本和菲律宾之间的胜者争夺冠军。 比赛的开始就打的异常...

sina sports news Beijing standard time on October 2, and 2015 men's Basketball Championships in Iran to the war, the Chinese men's basketball team semi-final eachother. Eventually, the Chinese men's basketball team to 70-57 victory over the Iran team finals! Tomorrow the Chinese team will compete with Japan and Philippines to compete for the title. The start of the game is to play the game...