新关注 > 信息聚合 > 警惕!日女乒后备或已超中国队 国乒缺平野式人才

警惕!日女乒后备或已超中国队 国乒缺平野式人才

Alert! Day NvPing backup ping deficiency or excess of China countries hirano type talented person

2016-10-11 00:24:11来源: 新浪

丁宁后女乒大满贯会是谁? 新浪体育讯 平野美宇夺取女乒世界杯单打冠军,成为最年轻的乒乓球单打世界冠军。日本女乒继福原爱、石川佳纯、伊藤美诚之后再添一员实力强将,增加了在东京奥运会上挑战中国女乒的底气。中国女队目前虽占据较大优势,但主力队员老化的现状不容回避,在后备人才的培养已经落后于...

Who will be after ding NvPing grand slam? Dispatch of sina sports Hirano mei yu seize NvPing singles World Cup, becoming the youngest's table tennis singles world championship. Japan NvPing following ai fukuhara, ishikawa pure beautiful, ITO, the United States after will add one strength, increase the challenge in the Tokyo Olympic Games the Chinese NvPing style. Although Chinese women now make up an important advantage, the current situation of the main players but aging unavoidably, in the cultivation of reserve talented person has fallen behind...