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《火源计划》9月封测 捍卫家园预告片首曝

The fire plan sealing measure to defend their homes in September first revealed the trailer

2016-08-31 15:36:52来源: 17173

继宣布星火封测9月开启后,腾讯首款RPG科幻射击网游《火源计划》于今日发布了 “捍卫家园”先行版预告片,向玩家表明全新的封测版本中战争将到来,但大家在捍卫家园的过程中并非孤身一人。9月6日,《火源计...

After September announced the spark testing open, tencent's first RPG sci-fi shooting games the fire plan today released "to defend their homes" first version of the trailer, to sign a new player in the closed beta version war will come, but everyone in the process of defending their homes is not alone. On September 6, the fire plan...