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任天堂的岩田聪时代 这5个时刻你应该知道

Nintendo's Iwata era the moment that you should know

2015-07-13 15:32:43来源: 中国网

搜狐科技 文/王雪莹 7月13日对于游戏机发烧友来说是个令人悲伤的日子:任天堂宣布,其董事长岩田聪于7月11日因癌症去世,享年55岁。有人说,岩田聪用自己的人生诠释了“骨灰级游戏粉”的真谛,那么,作为改写任天堂历史的关键性人物,岩田聪到底做了什么? 1.山内家族外的首个外姓人 ...

Sohu scientific article / Wang Xueying July 13 for game enthusiasts is a sad day: Nintendo announced, its president Satoru Iwata on July 11 from cancer died, at the age of 55. Some people say that Iwata So with his life to explain the ashes level game powder, the true meaning, then, as a key to rewrite the history of Nintendo's key figures, Iwata So in the end what? The first stranger 1 mountains outside the family...

标签: 任天堂