新关注 > 信息聚合 > 未来的看片工具 虚拟现实眼镜将成新的热点

未来的看片工具 虚拟现实眼镜将成新的热点

The future of virtual reality glasses to see the film tools will become the new hot

2015-03-30 23:30:21来源: 天极网

现在我们在看某些让人羞羞的内容的时候,往往都是用电脑居多,同时手机、平板设备的占有率也在明显上升。也许在不久的未来,我们也能够在虚拟现实头盔中看到这些电影。 沉浸式体验,超广的视野,立体感的画面...

ChinaByte now when we see some people shy of the content, often use computer mostly, and share mobile phone, tablet devices have also significantly increased. Perhaps in the near future, we will also be able to see the film in a virtual reality helmet. Immersive experience, ultra wide field of vision, stereoscopic pictures...