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王梦洁:赢球赶上光棍节 小咖秀接到表白咋样

Wang Mengjie: Winning catch singles day small coffee show received express zayang

2015-11-11 09:09:34来源: 新浪

王梦洁“小咖秀” 新浪体育讯 今天我们终于赢球了! 胜利来临的那一刻,我们紧紧拥抱在一起,笑得特别开心,真有如释重负的感觉。每个人的小眼神儿,都可坚定了,互相盯着看,那感觉特棒,感觉得这比其...

Wang Mengjie "small coffee show of sina sports dispatch today we finally win! The moment of victory, we hugged together, laughing very happy, really feel a sense of relief feeling. Each person's small eyes, can be firm, and stare at each other, that feels good, feel this is more than...