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周韦彤助阵 东风Honda星耀武汉国际车展

Zhou Weitong cheer Dongfeng Honda Xingyao Wuhan International Auto Show

2015-09-29 18:04:12来源: 爱卡汽车网

因为年轻,我们开拓未知,因为年轻,我们永无止境,“Stay Ahead志在先端”这就是东风Honda与年轻人沟通的秘诀。自去年启动“Stay Ahead”品牌行动以来,东风Honda推出的每一款产品...

because young, we exploring the unknown, because the young, our never-ending. "Stay ahead aim at apex" this is Dongfeng Honda to communicate with young people secret. Since last year launched the "Ahead Stay" brand operation, Dongfeng Honda launched every product...