新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《生命的回声》开机:诠释医务工作者对医魂的守望


"Echoes of life" boot: the interpretation of medical workers to Yihun watch

2014-09-17 00:40:38来源: 中国新闻网

中新网邢台9月16日电 (白芷)大型情感故事影片《生命的回声》新闻发布会暨开机仪式16日在河北省邢台市新河县新时代宾馆举行。 当日的开机仪式上,总制片人王国立、著名导演王方允,影片主要演员扮演者...

in new network Xingtai on 16 September, (Bai Zhi) large emotional story movie "echoes of life" press conference and the starting ceremony 16 days of a new era in New River County of Xingtai province Hebei city hotel. On the day of the starting ceremony, producer Wang Guoli, the famous director Wang Fangyun, the film actor who played the main...