新关注 > 信息聚合 > 4月车市“跌跌”不休 老面孔地位稳固

4月车市“跌跌”不休 老面孔地位稳固

4 month car city "stumble" endlessly old face position stable

2015-05-13 20:43:14来源: 中国新闻网

国内车市格局稳定,热销车型排行榜引人关注 数据直击 文/羊城晚报记者 许方华 近日,中国汽车工业协会发布2015年4月中国汽车产销量分别为207.97万辆和199.45万辆。4月份,汽车产...

domestic car city pattern stability, hot models list cited focus on data watch the / the Yangcheng Evening News reporter Xu Fanghua recently, China Automobile Industry Association released in 2015 in April, China's automobile production and sales were 207.97_wan million cars and 199.45 million vehicles. The April, auto production...