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饭店违规惹恼居民 三部门联合查处

Hotel three departments jointly investigated illegal residents to annoy

2015-12-17 22:08:38来源: 青岛网络电视台

今天我们来关注一个居民楼院,环境不仅脏乱差,而且楼上居民常年饱受一楼饭店的油烟困扰,实在是苦不堪言呐! 说起楼院环境,标山路112号的居民都很上火,这几年,一楼好几家房子都出租开了饭店,楼下生意...

today we will focus on a residential building, not only the environment dirty and messy, but also suffered a year-round residents upstairs Hotel smoke problems, is really miserable! Speaking of the building of the hospital environment, the subject of the 112 residents are very angry, the several years, the first floor of a few houses are rented out of the hotel, business...