新关注 > 信息聚合 > 博卡高层亲承与尤文已达协议 三妖星+500万换特维斯

博卡高层亲承与尤文已达协议 三妖星+500万换特维斯

Boca senior Pro bearing with Juventus has reached agreement three demon star + 500 million for Tevez

2015-06-25 15:18:38来源: 华体网

特维斯将重返博卡 讯 阿根廷权威媒体《号角报》透露,博卡高层塞萨尔亲口表示已经与尤文就特维斯转会达成一致,特维斯将会与球队签下一份为期三年的合同,并于7月7日在糖果盒球场与球迷们见面。 在不久之...

Tevez will return to Boca Juniors in Argentina the authority of the media "daily bugle" revealed, Boca high-rise Cesar himself said has been with Juve about Tevez transfer agreement, Carlos Tevez and the team will sign a period of three years of the contract, and in July 7 in the Bombonera stadium and fans to meet. In the near future...