新关注 > 信息聚合 > 实验证明绿植防辐射功效甚微 电脑产生辐射对人无害

实验证明绿植防辐射功效甚微 电脑产生辐射对人无害

Experiments prove that the green plant anti radiation effect is minimal computer radiation produced by claiming that is harmless to the human

2015-03-13 21:57:09来源: 人民网

花店老板声称,店内所售的绿植基本都能防电脑辐射(视频截图) 在电脑前放置仙人掌时,辐射值和没有仙人掌时的辐射值是完全一样的(视频截图) 将仙人掌换成碧玉,辐射值也依然维持在每米310伏(视频截图) 齐鲁网3月13日讯(山东台 马慧 葛昕)提起辐射,总是让人心怀恐惧,这种看不见...

florist shop, the sale of green plant basic can prevent computer radiation (video) placed cactus in front of the computer, radiation and no radiation value cactus when value is completely the same (video screenshot) will cactus change into Jasper, radiation value is still maintained at 310 volts per metre (video) Qilu network March 13th news (Shandong station Ma Hui Ge Xin) filed radiation, always let a person fear, this invisible...