新关注 > 信息聚合 > 中甲综述:超越客场取胜,湘涛提前降级


One review: beyond the away win, xiang tao relegation in advance

2016-09-04 01:41:43来源: 华体网

体育9月3日、4日讯 周末,2016赛季中国足球甲级联赛第25轮的赛事展开较量。其中湖南湘涛主场不敌大连超越,提前五轮降级。具体场次如下: 湖南湘涛华莱 1-4 大连超越 本场比赛于9月3日下午15:30在位于益阳市的益阳奥体中心展开较量。上半场第36分钟,威廉在湘涛禁区内切打门,皮...

Sports news over the weekend, on September 3, 4, 2016 Chinese football season 25th round league tournament battle. Including hunan xiang tao home defeat to dalian, five rounds of the drop in advance. Specific events is as follows: hunan xiang tao varley 1-4 dalian beyond the game on Sept. 3 15:30 in yiyang Olympic sports center is located in yiyang city of battle. In the first 36 minutes, William in xiang tao box cut shot, leather...