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享受4K视觉娱乐 超高清电视精选推荐

Enjoy 4K visual entertainment super HD TV selection recommendation

2016-08-24 17:32:28来源: IT168

【IT168 导购】人类的需求真是科技进步的第一动力。曾几何时我们对着PLAYSTATION那VCD的画质也能撸个够,而当我们进入720的清晰时代后却开始表示连DVD的画质都无法忍了。当我们还在为1...

[IT168 shopping guide] human needs are the first driving force for technological progress. Once upon a time, we were able to get enough of the quality of the VCD for PLAYSTATION, and when we entered the clear age of 720, we began to show that we couldn't stand the quality of the DVD. When we are still 1...