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京东免运费标准明日上调 买电脑不担心

Jingdong free shipping standard raised to buy computer do not worry about tomorrow

2015-04-01 06:07:42来源: 中关村在线

中关村在线消息:网上购物商城已经越来越便捷人们的生活了,不过曾经低门槛的免运费显然无法长期坚持。有消息称,京东将于2015年4月2日起再度上调免运费的最低门槛。不过想要在京东购买笔记本电脑的用户完全不用担心,因为价格远远高于免邮标准。 京东免运费标准明日上调(图片来自cnbeta) ...

Zhongguancun online news: online shopping mall has become more and more convenient to people's life, but the shipping free once low threshold is clearly unable to insist for a long time. The message says, Jingdong will be on April 2, 2015 again raised the minimum threshold for free shipping. But want to buy notebook computer in Jingdong users need not worry completely, because the price is much higher than that of free postage standard. Jingdong free shipping standard raised (picture from cnBeta) tomorrow...

标签: 京东