新关注 > 信息聚合 > 传潘玮柏再度代言《街头篮球》职业联赛


The pan weibo again speak street basketball professional league

2017-03-07 00:00:00来源: 人民网

2005年9月27日下午,天联世纪与韩国JEC在上海大剧院联合召开新闻发布会,宣布《街头篮球》在中国正式发布。由韩国JEC公司研发,以美式街头篮球为背景的休闲网络游戏《街头篮球》,在韩国、台湾地区等掀起一股“街头篮球”的热潮,11年后的今天《街头篮球》依然是一款生命力顽强的体育电子竞技网游,而今年将开展全新的职业联赛将掀起篮球热潮,传闻中潘玮柏将再度代言,你期待吗? 【潘玮柏再度代言?谁是真正MVP】 潘玮柏曾在2005年代言了《街头篮球》,而他的歌直至今天依然在《街头篮球》客户端中可以听见,可见他对这个游戏的影响力之深。11年后他会不会来代言《街头篮球》职业联赛这个全新赛事呢?...

On September 27, 2005 afternoon, tianlian century JEC with South Korea at a news conference in the Shanghai grand theatre, announced the official launch in China." From south Korean JEC company research and development, on the background of American street basketball recreational network game "street basketball", in South Korea, Taiwan and so on a "street basketball" boom, 11 years later "street basketball" is still a tough sports e-sports games, and this year will be to develop new professional league basketball to upsurge, rumours in pan weibo will speak again, are you looking forward to? 【 pan weibo again? Who is the real MVP 】 pan weibo has the words "street basketball" in the 2005 s, and his songs until today still can be heard in the client ", shows how profoundly his influence on the game. 11 years later, he will not to endorse the professional league "this new game? ...