新关注 > 信息聚合 > 王者荣耀KPL登陆VSPN电视 大屏驱动内容精品化

王者荣耀KPL登陆VSPN电视 大屏驱动内容精品化

King glory KPL landing VSPN TV screen drive content change

2018-03-20 00:00:00来源: 人民网

2018年KPL王者荣耀职业联赛(以下简称:KPL)将在3月21日展开新赛季的征程。在2017全年赛事体系内容观看及浏览量高达103亿的基础上,KPL进一步向“大众化”靠拢,全面登陆电视大屏,赛事承办方及商业赞助服务商VSPN也新添一个重要角色,成为2018年KPL电视版权播出平台,标志着由腾讯及其合作伙伴共同建立的KPL多元电竞生态正逐步走向成熟。 电视端观众福音,定制化内容精彩纷呈 移动电竞领头羊KPL率先从互联网走向大众电视媒体,这不仅是电竞行业的喜讯,更是广大普通观众的福音。粉丝、玩家、电竞爱好者们终于可以和家人、朋友一起坐在客厅的沙发上,像看传统体育NBA、中超那样,舒舒服...

2018 KPL king glory professional league (hereinafter referred to as: KPL) would begin on March 21, the new season. In 2017 annual event system is as high as 10.3 billion on the basis of the content to watch and page views, KPL to "popularization", further comprehensive on the TV screen, the host of the event and commercial sponsorship services VSPN also added an important role, become a 2018 copyright KPL TV broadcast platform, marked by tencent and its partners to establish KPL e-sports ecological diversity is gradually mature. TV's end Gospel, customized content unusually brilliant E-sports leaders KPL took the lead from the Internet to the public mobile TV media, e-sports industry not only is this good news, but also the Gospel of the ordinary audience. E-sports fans, players, fans can finally sitting on the sofa in the living with family and friends, like watch NBA, Chinese super traditional sports, shu comfortable...

标签: 王者荣耀