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App Store公布审核新规,然而文化部早已看穿一切

App Store unveiled the new rules, but the Ministry of culture has already seen everything

2017-12-22 16:57:19来源: 游戏茶馆


The game is not a gambling card in the game, which has caused great controversy in Europe and America. Now Apple gives a compromise: it requires that all iOS applications need the probability of a card, a box, and so on. In the new version of Apple store audit guide, 3.1.1 says: "selling virtual random props in the way of card purchase, etc., needs to indicate the probability of various kinds of props before buying. This article is basically in accordance with the current regulations of China and Japan, that is, it is necessary to publish the probability of the card drawing probability. It is not clear that the new rule is applicable to the game already on the shelves. Recalling this because of Star Wars:

标签: APP