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动漫商业化“蛋糕”怎么吃 艺术化包装吸引年轻人

Animation commercialization "cake" how to eat art packaging to attract young people

2018-07-23 00:00:00来源: 人民网

记者 韦玥 《熊出没》、《喜羊羊与灰太狼》等动画片的热播,带动剧中一系列角色形象周边产品发展,去年大热的《全职高手》网络点击超过30亿,现已改编成电视剧正在拍摄中……显然,动漫在市场中占据重要席位,特别是如今95后、00后在动漫消费中扮演着重要角色,他们热爱动漫甚至已经逐渐养成动漫消费的习惯,动漫仍然具有可观的发展前景。动漫商业化的“蛋糕”怎么吃?本周,上游财经大咖面对面线下活动,邀请两位动漫的业内嘉宾为大家分享动漫商业化路径的探索。 熟悉发展历程 未来跨界是重点 本周四晚上,在渝中区中山四路名流公馆的U创空间里,记者见到了荷叶萌动漫联合创始人,江湖人称“院长”。这个高高大大的胖子,身...

Reporter Wei Yue "bear out", "happy sheep and gray wolf" and other animated animated films, a series of characters surrounding the development of the surrounding products, last year's great hot "Full-time Master" network clicks more than 3 billion, has been adapted into a TV play is being taken... Obviously, the animation in the market occupies an important seat, especially the 95, 00 after the animation consumption plays an important role, they love animation and even gradually develop the habit of animation consumption, animation still has a considerable development prospects. How does the cartoon commercialized "cake" eat? This week, the upstream financial and cafe face to face activities, invited two animation industry guests to share with you the exploration of commercialization of animation. Familiar with the development process of the future cross-border is the focus of this Thursday night, in the Yuzhong District of Zhongshan four Road Museum of U create space, the reporter saw the lotus leaf sprout comic co founder, the Jianghu "President". This tall and big fat person, body...