新关注 > 信息聚合 > AdTime两大OTT大屏营销案例力捧"2017中国广告长城奖"


AdTime two OTT big screen marketing case touted "2017 China advertising the Great Wall awards"

2017-10-24 21:14:17来源: DoNews

层林尽染,湘江之畔,第 24 届(2017)中国国际广告节日前在长沙隆重举行。于 10 月 22 日揭晓的“ 2017 中国广告长城奖广告主奖”中,AdTime喜获 “广告主奖·年度经典案例” 两大奖项。由中国广告协会主办的中国广告长城奖,始办于 1982 年,历经三十余载的不断发展和积淀,目前已成为中国规模大、影响广、专业度强的广告奖项,是中国国际广告节的核心赛事之一,被业界誉为“广告赛事之泰山”。去年的中国国际广告节上,AdTime联袂士力架与一汽丰田两大品牌的OTT大屏营销案例荣膺年度营销传播案例奖;今年,为长安铃木和安利两大广告主打造的营销案例揽获大奖,又一次印证了AdTime OTT...

Cenglinjinran, Xiangjiang River, twenty-fourth (2017) Chinese International Advertising Festival was held in Changsha days ago. In October 22nd announced the "2017 Chinese advertising advertisers the Great Wall award award", awarded the "AdTime advertising award, annual award two classic case". Sponsored by China Advertising Association China the Great Wall advertising award, established in 1982, after more than thirty years of development and accumulation, has become the Chinese large scale, wide influence, professionalism and strong advertising awards, is one of the core event China International Advertising Festival, was honored as the "advertising event in Taishan". Last year China International Advertising Festival, OTT big screen marketing case AdTime together with FAW TOYOTA two Snickers brand won the annual award case marketing; marketing case for this year, Changan SUZUKI and Amway two big advertisers to embrace the prize, once again confirms AdTime OTT...