新关注 > 信息聚合 > 湖南南岳天子山火文化公园项目被指违规


Accused of illegal

2015-11-02 22:38:12来源: 新浪网

湖南南岳:“天子山火文化公园”项目被指违规 本报记者 杨德成报道 作为我国五岳名山之一,南岳一向是朝拜者向往的地方。 位于南岳山脚下正在建设的“天子山火文化公园”是衡阳市南岳区高调打造的...

Hunan Nanyue Hunan Nanyue emperor wildfire Culture Park Project: "son of heaven volcano Culture Park" project was accused of illegal newspaper reporter succeed Yang reported as one of the five sacred mountains, Hengshan is always longing for the pilgrims. Located at the foot of the mountain is building "the Emperor Hill Culture Park" is the city of Hengyang to build a high-profile Nanyue district...