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挑战BossRush 获取《全球使命2》超能暴君

"Global Mission 2" super tyrant

2015-10-10 17:17:46来源: 多玩游戏

一年一度秋风劲,转眼《全球使命2》又陪伴玩家们走过了一个难忘的季节,其间精彩纷呈的活动从未停歇。现在,本周最火爆的PVE Boss?Rush正等候挑战,玩家们可以自由组队,无限次参加Boss?Rush挑战赛,排名靠前的小伙伴们还可以获得丰厚奖励。一起来了解下具体内容吧! BOSS终结...

annual autumn fresh challenge BossRush acquisition, the blink of an eye "Global Mission 2" but also to accompany players through a memorable season, during which brilliant and exciting activities never stop. Now, this week, one of the most popular PVE boss? Rush is waiting to challenge, players can team up and unlimited in boss? Rush challenge, ranked by small partners can also get rich reward. Come together to understand the specific contents of it! BOSS end...