新关注 > 信息聚合 > 湖北省首家京东县级服务中心荆门店盛大开业


The first in Hubei province Jingdong County Service Center Jingmen branch grand opening

2015-02-11 17:30:52来源: 中国经营网

2015年2月11日,湖北首家京东县级服务中心在荆门盛大开业。这是一个集产品展示、网上下单,售后服务、配送功能为一体的综合性服务中心,同时也是京东乡村推广员的招募和培训基地,它的开业为荆门农村电商发展开启了一个新的时代。 湖北首家京东县级服务中心荆门店盛大开业 精彩的舞狮表演 ...

2015 year in February 11th, Hubei's first Jingdong County Service Center in Jingmen grand opening. This is a set of product display, online to place an order, after sale service, distribution for the integrated service center, is also Jingdong rural promotion recruitment and training base, its opening for Jingmen rural electric business development has ushered in a new era of. Hubei's first Jingdong County Service Center Jingmen branch grand opening of lion dance wonderful...

标签: 京东