新关注 > 信息聚合 > 【独家】快递“围城”:灾难还是机遇


[exclusive] express "Fortress Besieged": disaster or opportunity

2014-11-29 15:37:05来源: 中国企业家

在申通上海罗泾分拨中心,灰色和橙色相间的申通货车打开车门,巨大的绿色编织袋小山一样倒下来,化为传送带上黑色包裹和棕色纸箱的河流。 24位身穿工作服的分拣员紧挨着传送带,目不转睛地盯着流过的包裹,身后是两层巨大的金属分拣架,每个架上贴有地区中转站编号和覆盖的区县,分拣员们按照地区把这些出...

in Shen Tong Shanghai Luojing distribution center, grey and orange Shentong van opened the door, a huge green woven bag Hill down to the conveyor belt, black and brown carton package river. 24 wear work clothes sorter is close to the conveyor belt, One's pupils do not turn. stared at through the package, is behind the two great metal sorting frames, each frame with area transit station number and coverage of the districts and counties, sorting members according to the area to take these out...