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游戏奥斯卡TGA2017获奖名单公布 任天堂成最大赢家

The game Oscar TGA2017 award lists Nintendo as the biggest winner

2017-12-09 15:27:11来源: DoNews

DoNews12月8日消息(作者 钱坤一)被誉为游戏界“奥斯卡”The Game Awards(简称TGA)的2017年颁奖典礼,在北京时间今日(12月8日)上午9点30分举行。最终来自任天堂的《塞尔达传说:旷野之息》获得了2017年的年度游戏,最佳游戏设计和最佳动作冒险游戏三个大奖,成为实至名归的最大赢家。而在典礼现场,任天堂与白金工作室还正式公开了《猎天使魔女3》的宣传片,吸引了许多玩家的目光;另一方面,在国内玩家中获得不少好评的《女神异闻录5》与《尼尔:自动人形》也分别荣获最佳角色扮演游戏和最佳游戏音乐奖。TGA2017各项大奖详细名单如下:年度游戏:《塞尔达传说:旷野之息》(任天堂EP...

DoNews12 Sept. 8 (author Qian Kunyi) known as the game industry "Oscar" (TGA) The Game Awards 2017 awards ceremony in Beijing today (December 8th) morning at 9:30. The final from Nintendo's "the legend of Zelda: Wilderness income" won the 2017 game of the year, best game design and best action adventure game of three awards, becoming the biggest winner deserved. In the ceremony, Nintendo and platinum studios also officially open the "Bayonetta 3" promo, attracted many game player's eyes; on the other hand, get a lot of praise for the "persona 5" and "Neal in the domestic game player: automatic" humanoid were also won the best role-playing game and the best game music awards. The TGA2017 awards are as follows: a detailed list of game of the year: "the legend of Zelda: Wilderness income" (Nintendo EP...

标签: 游戏 任天堂